Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

Are Core Web Vitals a Ranking Factor?

Written by BrisTechTonic | May 18, 2024 7:23:51 AM

One of the most important SEO concepts to understand is core web vitals. These metrics act like a first impression meter for your website. They measure how quickly your website loads, the smoothness of the user experience, and, ultimately, whether visitors stick around or click away.

Imagine your charming storefront in Bristol having a welcoming display that entices passersby to step inside and explore. Core web vitals work the same way online. Websites with poor core web vitals are less likely to appear on the first page of search results.

Let's explore the topic of core web vitals and their role in Bristol SEO further. We'll delve deeper into these metrics and provide actionable tips on optimising your website, even with a limited budget. Discover how to ensure your website becomes a welcoming online haven that converts visitors into loyal customers.

What Are Core Web Vitals?

Core web vitals are the technical backbone of a successful Bristol SEO strategy. They are the metrics that measure the aspects of your website that directly impact user experience (UX). Here are the three main core web vitals you should focus on.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

This measures how quickly the main content of your website loads -- essentially, the time it takes for your shop window display to come into view for a passerby. Aim for an LCP of under 2.5 seconds for a positive user experience.

First Input Delay (FID)

This measures how responsive your website feels. Imagine a customer wanting to enter your shop and finding the door sticky. FID reflects how quickly the website reacts to user interactions like clicks or button presses. A good FID score is under 100 milliseconds.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

This measures how stable your website's layout is while loading.

Imagine your shop window display suddenly rearranging itself as a customer approaches. That's a bad CLS. A good CLS score is below 0.1.

How Core Web Vitals Influence Rankings

Optimising your website for core web vitals improves bounce rate, dwell time, and responsiveness, all of which send positive signals to Google. Here's how each of these factors determines your success in Bristol SEO:

Bounce Rates

A high bounce rate (the percentage of visitors who leave after one page) signifies a frustrating user experience that can hurt your Bristol company's SEO efforts. Poor core web vitals scores translate directly to a bad user experience, impacting your bounce rate. 

A slow-loading website frustrates visitors. Instead of browsing your products or services, they'll likely bounce to a competitor's faster site. Bristol SEO companies and freelancers can help optimise your website for speed.

A website that takes ages to respond to clicks or scrolls feels clunky and frustrating. Potential customers in Bristol searching for your services might bounce if your site feels sluggish.

With Bristol residents increasingly browsing on phones, a mobile-friendly website is crucial for SEO. A website that is not optimised for mobile will frustrate mobile users and lead to bounces. Your Bristol SEO specialist can help ensure your website offers a seamless mobile experience.

Dwell Time

Your website is where you showcase your skills or products, educate potential clients, and ultimately convince them to hire you. But simply having a website isn't enough. You need visitors to stick around, engage with your content, and see the value you offer.

Dwell time refers to the amount of time visitors spend on your website after landing on a page. The longer they stay, the better. If they spend significant time exploring your portfolio, reading your blog posts, or watching your testimonials, they will likely be interested in working with you.

Many Bristol SEO companies consider dwell time a crucial Google ranking factor. A longer dwell time indicates engaging and quality content and a positive user experience.  Optimising your website for CWV can help you create a user-friendly experience that keeps visitors engaged and wanting more.


Suppose a potential customer in Bristol searches for "web designer Bristol" on their phone. They tap your website, but it takes forever to load and the text is tiny, and everything jumps around as it tries to render. They're out of there faster than you can say "responsive design".

Google prioritises websites offering a fantastic mobile experience. By focusing on mobile responsiveness, you can impress Bristol searchers and climb the local SEO ladder.

Core web vitals can be your website's mobile performance report card. All its three key components focus on improving responsiveness, which can improve your rankings.

Largest Contentful Paint addresses content loading. Mobile phones expect your content to load fast and effectively on their devices. 

Smooth scrolling matters for mobile phone users. You want to ensure your website doesn't do that annoying, jumpy thing while loading. You want visitors to navigate and read quickly, not get seasick from scrolling!

Instant reaction is also a key consideration. Someone should tap a button or link and have it respond immediately. Unlike wrestling with a sluggish phone, a responsive website makes visitors feel in control.

By optimising your website for core web vitals, you're sending a clear message: "Hey Bristol, my website is lightning-fast, super user-friendly, and built perfectly for mobile!" This can lead to a higher ranking in local searches and more potential clients reaching out for your web design expertise.

How to Optimise Your Website for Core Web Vitals

Running a small business is all about savvy resourcefulness. You cut costs and maximise impact, and that applies to SEO too.  Here are some tips to optimise your website for core web vitals and dominate Bristol SEO, all without a hefty agency bill.

Speed Up Your Website

Large images can slow your website down to a crawl. Thankfully, free tools like TinyPNG compress images without sacrificing quality. Image SEO helps keep your website visually appealing while ensuring it loads quickly for Bristol searchers on their phones.

Remember, every element on your website, from images to scripts, requires an HTTP request. This can add up and slow things down. To streamline things, minimise unnecessary elements on your website. 

Enabling browser caching can also help to boost speeds. Browsers can store website elements locally, so they don't have to download everything again on future visits. This significantly improves loading times for repeat visitors. 

Ensure Smooth Scrolling

Imagine you're reading a book, and the pictures keep changing size as you turn the pages. The same thing happens on websites when images and ad spaces don't have defined dimensions. Set clear width and height for all images and ad spaces in your website's code to ensure everything stays put while loading.

Websites often use Javascript to add interactive elements. However, too much Javascript can slow down your website and cause what's called render-blocking. This means the content on your website can't be displayed until the Javascript finishes loading. 

To avoid this, consider deferring or asynchronously loading non-critical scripts. Deferring means the script loads after the initial page content has been rendered, while asynchronous loading allows the script to load in the background without blocking the rendering process. This keeps your website feeling smooth and responsive for Bristol searchers.

Optimise Your Website for Mobile

Imagine your website magically adjusting its size for any phone screen. Text becomes readable, buttons stay easy to tap, and your website looks sharp no matter how someone accesses it. Responsive design ensures a perfect view for every Bristol browser, keeping them happy and engaged.

When it comes to mobile users in Bristol, prioritise what matters most. Focus on presenting the most important information and functionalities at the top of your website. This makes it easy for visitors to find what they need without getting lost in a maze of text.

For a lightning-fast mobile experience, consider a reliable web hosting provider that specialises in mobile optimisation. These providers offer servers designed for fast loading times on smartphones and tablets, ensuring your visitors don't get stuck waiting for your website to catch up.

Consider Working With a Bristol SEO Agency

While these tips empower you to take control of your Bristol SEO journey, remember that SEO is an ever-evolving landscape. You can extend your SEO reach without breaking the bank.

Many talented SEO freelancers operate right here in Bristol. They understand the unique needs of small businesses and the competitive landscape of the city. Unlike large agencies, they can offer you:

  • Customised recommendations to optimise your website for local SEO
  • A cost-effective alternative to large Bristol SEO agencies
  • The expertise you need at a fraction of the cost
  • Custom services to suit specific needs and budget
  • A direct line of communication to ensure your SEO strategy stays on track

Think of a Bristol SEO freelancer as your SEO wingman. They can provide crucial support and strategic advice. They can allow you to focus on running your business while still conquering Bristol SEO.

Core Web Vitals vs. Google Rankings

Core web vitals are the key to mobile SEO success. Focus on them to create a fast, smooth, and frustration-free experience for mobile visitors -- exactly what Google rewards with higher search rankings. 

Don't go it alone. I offer affordable, flexible, and friendly SEO services to empower small businesses. Let's chat about your SEO goals and how we can help you achieve them. Contact us today for a free consultation.